The SOP Snap Lock Panel is a great choice for commercial and some residential structures. Numerous choices make for installation in almost any situation. Panels feature an artistic architectural look as well as a 1-1/2” leg height and a continuous interlock for improved structural performance . A concealed fastener clip system provides extraordinary hold-down strength. The concealed clip snap-lock system eliminates the need for mechanical seaming or separate battens, accommodating very long panels while maintaining free expansion and contraction capability. (Optional flat rib stiffener is available).
Available in:
24 Ga.
.032 Kynar 500®
See the Color Chart
To Order Call: (231) 861-0050
A twenty year warranty is available covering cracking, peeling and color fade.
Descriptions of the products are for informational purposes only and are not warranties. ADVANCED Architectural Sheet Metal & Supply does not build or design buildings but rather acts solely as a supplier of materials and assumes no responsibility for the use or installation of the aforementioned products.
Panel specifications can be obtained by calling us at 231-861-0050. For complete product and detailed information call us at 231-861-0050 or 877-756-4890.
Standing Seam Snap on Panels have been designed for use in roofing, mansard and fascia applications and are ideal for applications where roof transitions are required. There is simplicity in the panel design which allows for greater handling on the job site.
Special care must be taken to insure the panels are installed over a flat substrate.